Fairy tale, a children's story about magical and imaginary beings and lands.
As an adult living in the 21st century, the messages in the fairy tales can be out dated or even red flagged. This book is aimed to redesign the story book that we read as a kid. This book is the comments I have towards those old stories.

These three fairy tales are all from the Green’s Fairy Tale, and “critiqued” with red pen.
The illustration on the cover shows my personal opinion towards the stories, in other words, these are what does stories sounds to me.
The biggest challenge here is actually the printing. The inkjet printer doesn’t work quite well with my paper, therefore it created those line textures on the background. Although this is not what I was looking for, I think the result is surprising and interesting.

Illustration: Shiyi Xiang (Doris)
Book design: Shiyi Xiang (Doris)
Book Binding: Shiyi Xiang (Doris)
Instructor: Santiago Piedrafita
Institution: Pratt Institution